About Us

千橡中文學校位於康谷的千橡市,是康谷中華文化協會 (CCCA) 最大的會員組織機構。千橡中文學校成立於 1975 年。創設之初隻有 8 位學生,由王懋德老師一人擔任教學, 租賃Waverly Adult School 校舍一間開始。至 1989 年學生人數驟增,校舍不敷使用,轉而租借紅木中學 (Redwood Intermediate School) 校舍。由於學生人數不斷的增加,1998 年一月千橡中文學校遷移到千橡高中 (Thousand Oaks High School),一直延用至今。學校課程設置從學前班到九年級,並同時涵蓋繁體和簡體教學。學校每週六上午授課, 課程包括兩小時的語文課程,與一堂文化選修課。千橡中文學校每年積極舉辦並參與各項校內外學術競賽,同時配合康谷華協所舉辦的社區活動。秉持著兼容並蓄的特質及服務社區的精神,千橡中文學校以中文教育及文化傳承為責任,歡迎您的到訪!

Thousand Oaks Chinese School (TOCS) was founded in 1975 and is an affiliate of Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA). In the very beginning there were only eight students, taught by Mr. Mao-De Wang. The school started in a classroom rented from Waverly Adult School. In 1989, the number of students increased drastically, and the old campus became too small to accommodate the students. The campus was then moved to Redwood Intermediate School. In January 1998, TOCS moved again to Thousand Oaks High School, where it has been the campus ever since. TOCS has been serving the community for more than 40 years, boasting both traditional and simplified Chinese curriculums ranging from pre-kindergarten to ninth grade. The school has classes every Saturday morning, including a two-hour Chinese course and a one-hour elective cultural course. TOCS actively organizes school activities and participates in various academic competitions inside and outside of the school every year and supports the community activities organized by the CCCA. Embracing the concepts of diversification and volunteering, TOCS is committed to promote the Chinese Language and Heritage for future generations. Welcome to Thousand Oaks Chinese School!