KD 3/24/2012

 Hi parents,

 This week, we will learn un and ün.
The videos are,
yun(Just learn the pinyin yun. We learned yin and we will learn ying later.)
The optional video is
http://www.aoshu.com/e/20101013/4cb57b7ef0b32.shtml  In this video, there are also an, en, and in.
This week’s song is Where is the Spring?. Here is the link of the song.

KD 3/10/2012

 Hi parents,

This week we will learn pinyin en, in, and yin. The videos are,
yin(just learn pinyin yin. Others we will learn later.)
The optional video is
This week’s song is Little Painter. Here is the link of the song. The words used in the flash video is a little different from the song I have.  http://app.baidu.com/fenshuajiang
There is NO class on 3/17 because of spring break.

kd 03/03/2012

 Hi parents,

This week, we will have a mid-term exam. And we will learn pinyin an.
The videos for pinyin an are,
pinyin yuan
The optional pinyin video
http://www.aoshu.com/e/20101013/4cb57b7ef0b32.shtml  Just ignore the in and en part. We will learn those in next week.
This week, we will the song, The Little Swallow. We will learn the first part, because I think the second part is too old. The video for this is at

KD 2/25/2012

Hi parents,
We will review lesson 13,14, and 15 this Saturday.
I will teach them how to pronounce r at the end of some words. This is the most common sound used by people in Beijing.
We will also have the reading contest this Saturday. Till now, there are 6 students want to participate. If you want your kids to participate, please let me know by tomorrow morning. Thank you!
We will also learn a Chinese song this week. It is the song that I learned when I was a little girl. I know, it is a little bit old song. I will try to prepare some new songs in the future once I find a good website with Children songs and learn. Below is the link of the link of the song. If possible, please let the kid listen it BEFORE the class. I will also let the kids listen in the class. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzAxNzc0Nzc2.html
This is the video of the review lesson
If you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know.
Have a nice day!

KD 2/18/2012

 Hi parents,

 This week we will learn ie, üe, er, ye, and yue. It may be a little difficult for kids. Please help them review. Thanks! I will also review the body parts with the kids and learn family members with them.
Below are the video for them to watch after the this week class.
ye, yue and we will learn yuan several weeks later.
optional video
BTW, please try to be on time each class. Thank you!
Have a nice day!