2017 秋季校內硬筆書法比賽得獎名單


名次 Class 學生姓名 LastName FirstName
NO1 1D 易子馨 Yi Olivia
NO2 1D 姚熙萌 Yao Simon
NO3 1D 陈维翰 Chen Albert
NO1 2D 姜昕瑜 Jiang Grace
NO2 2B 胡兆钰 Hu Grace
NO3 2C 陈德福 Tran Brandon
NO1 3A 陳怡安 Chen Leska
NO2 3A 張家瑄 Siduguen Mia
NO3 3C 愛丽 Ward Alexandra
NO1 4C 蔡玮琳 Cai Valerie
NO2 4A 吳承恩 Wu Alan
NO1 5C 罗婧文 Luo Sophia
NO2 5A 鄭佳宜 Cheng Catherine
NO3 5B 杨安妮 Yang Annie
NO1 6B 杨海伦 Yang Helen
NO2 6B 张嘉怡 Zhang Eileen
NO3 6B 刘天越 Liu Michael
NO1 7A 傅渝清 Fu Evan
NO2 7A 楊宗恬 Yang Audrey
NO3 7C 李安娜 Li Anna
NO1 8B 胡芯瑜 Hu Makayla
NO2 8B 胡芯瑞 Hu Rachel
NO3 8C 许洛伟 Xu Randy
NO1 9A 朱迪 Nomi Judith


Congratulations to the winners of this year’s contest, see the list below. We’re very proud of these students, as well as the students who are not in the winning list! All of you did your best, and give your best effort that is priceless!!!

Thanks to all the hard working students and supporting parents! You ALL are the best!!!



特別提醒注意學校的退學退費截止日期及退費標準(Please pay attention to the Tuition Refund timeline and percentage):

Tuition Refund Policy
08/18 及以前 100%
08/19~08/31 90%
09/01~12/31 50%
By 08/18 100%
08/19~08/31 90%
09/01~12/31 50%
No refund on and after 1/1/2018




*To request a withdraw, please email your request with student info (Chinese/English full name, Grade enrolled) to registration@to-cs.org

For withdraw requests and refund amount, please refer to withdraw schedule. The refund amount is based on the time when the request email is received by registration.