關於下學期是否會回校園或是繼續網課的問題,學校對當前疫情和學區的動向做了評估,并決定繼續網課至少到二月底。致于三月份之后是不是要回學校上課,我們會根據那時候的疫情再做評估決定。中文學校的決定會繼續以校園和個人防護安全為前提。請大家隨時關注學校郵件或是網站上的最新訊息,謝謝大家 !
After taking into account the CVUSD schedule and the pandemic status, we have decided to extend the on-line learning to at least the end of February. We will evaluate further to determine the mode of learning for the rest of the school year. Please be assured that we make the safety and health of our students, faculty, and staff our highest priority.
Please continue to check our website and watch for school emails for the latest information. Thank you for your understanding and continuous support for our school and teachers.