29 thoughts on “网站技术支持讨论区

  1. I tried to add new pages, but it does not work. And I tried to post some posts, but those posts are not in my class. Does it mean I can only add things in the current class page for every week materials? Thanks,

    KD teacher

    • Sorry, your current role is subscriber, can’t create page or post. We may need to consider to enable author privilege for advanced teacher. But the decision has to be made by principal and board.

      • I found my post is at the news & event. Can you change my post to my class page. Or could you tell me how to change it, please? Thank you!

        • You are now an author role. You have 54 posts which were migrated from previous site. You should have write access automatically to your own post. the easiest way is to add the link to your current page. We don’t have much time to complete the change.

  2. Hi, I tried to upload a word file but failed. I think it was due to an incorrect operation. I cannot edit my page right now. Could you please help solve this problem? Thank you so much! Zhou Hui (6-C)

  3. I’m so sorry that I ruined my webpage once again. I uploaded two pictures and one word file successfully at first, and then I wanted to remove the attachemnt and reload it after I renamed it, but I failed. I’m sorry for that. Thank you so much for your help. Zhou Hui (6C)

    • Sorry for late reply, the family was out for vacation. You have two accounts on the website. yahoo and gmail. The account w/ yahoo email has highest access “Administrator”. Let me know if you want to recycle that one. I can grant admin access to your gmail account.

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