自下周 (12/20/2014)起连续放假三周。下次上课时间是一月十日.祝大家圣诞快乐!新年吉祥如意!
No school for the next three weeks (12/20/2014,12/27/2014,01/03/2015). Next school day is 1/10/15. Happy Holidays!
羊年的新春晚會已經在九月正式開始籌備,明年二月二十一日七點正式公演。康谷中華文化協會將過年的喜氣與豐富的文化四處散播,分享僑民及感染其他族裔。為了保證及提高表演的水準,協會誠懇地邀請您加入我們愛護發揚中華文化的行列。請踴躍購票, 加入我們康谷大家庭一年一度的新年慶祝活動, 拜年講吉利話, 互相祝福, 討個吉利過個順順當當的好羊年。請在一月十日至 二月二十一日的每個星期六在中文學校歡歡樂樂的購票, 漂漂亮亮的參與。票價有三十五, 三十, 二十五, 和二十元四種, 協會特別提供減價五元的會員优待。您的參與是我們全體團結力量的表現。
欢乐千橡羊年新春晚会公告羊年的新春晚会已经在九月正式开始筹备,明年二月二十一日七点正式公演。康谷中华文化协会将过年的喜气与丰富的文化四处散播,分享侨民及感染其他族裔。为了保证及提高表演的水平,协会诚恳地邀请您加入我们爱护发扬中华文化的行列。请踊跃购票, 加入我们康谷大家庭一年一度的新年庆祝活动, 拜年讲吉利话, 互相祝福, 讨个吉利过个顺顺当当的好羊年。请在一月十日至二月二十一日的每个星期六在中文学校欢欢乐乐的购票, 漂漂亮亮的参与。票价有三十五, 三十, 二十五, 和二十元四种, 协会特别提供减价五元的会员优待。您的参与是我们全体团结力量的表现。
Chinese New Year Celebration Announcement
Preparations for the Chinese New Year Celebration begun in September and the performance will be held at 7 pm on February 21, 2015. In order to spread an air of festivity and share our enriched culture, CCCA has organized the widely-praised Chinese New Year Celebration at Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza for more than a decade. To help CCCA to deliver high quality show and spread the Chinese New Year blessing widely, CCCA invites you to support the preservation and promotion of Chinese heritage by purchasing show tickets and attending the performance. The annual New Year Celebration provides all of us an opportunity to exchange greetings, blessings, and good luck wishes to everyone we encounter, for the upcoming Sheep year. CCCA offers four different ticket prices of $35, $30, $25 and $20 and the tickets will be sold every Saturday between January 10th and February 21st, 2015 at our Chinese School. In addition, CCCA offers a $5 discount to all its members. Your participation is greatly appreciated and will demonstrate the charming power of our community
During the weekend (Nov 22-23), led by Head Coach Simone Liao and Assistant Coach Stan Liao, the little chess players from Thousand Oaks Chinese School attended the 2014 American Open Scholastic Chess Championship (美国国际象棋青少年公开赛) as a part of the Ventura Youth Chess League team.
Our small group of students once again stunned the chess community during the fierce competition against avid chess players from regional chess power houses. After two days’ intense competition, the team demonstrated outstanding performance. Almost all our team members won medals and trophies, including several top personal prices and even one FIRST PLACE team award. This is the third year the coaches took the team to this prestige event and every year our kids managed to make noticeable progress.
Here is a list of Ventura Youth Chess League team members from TOCS:
Allison Tang, David Tang, Richard Bo, Aiden DePrano, Maya Yie, Kaylee Yang, August Yin, Destin Petri, Brian Sui, Daniel Wang, Edward Shen.
Congratulations to all the players and their coaches!
為了鼓勵全校學生對中文學習的投入與努力, 並且提供學生中文創作的機會,我們計畫在今年十二月時出版第一期的「學生園地」作品集。
目前我們只接受由老師所推薦投稿的稿件,請各位老師請將學生作品以電子檔寄至: communication@to-cs.org
第一階段截稿日期: Saturday, 11/28
邱建雄 (Scott) & 張冬梅 (Daisy)