新春吉祥 ! 新型冠狀病毒發生至今已多有時日,感謝所有教職員工堅守崗位!
學校就疫情變化會持續與美國疾病防疫單位(CDC)和文圖拉市政府健康部門(Ventura County Public Health Care Agency) 諮詢相關防疫訊息,近況請參考附件 (attached)。
CDC 建議在此期間遵守常規防護措施(勤洗手,避免接觸生病的人,生病自行在家休息,近期內曾去過中國者,請自行居家檢疫14天。)沒生病的人,CDC不建議使用口罩。
另外,不要因為恐懼這種新病毒而對亞洲血統的人產生偏見。也不要以為亞洲血統的人更容易患COVID-19,這是沒有科學依據的。 Ventura County Public Health Officer Dr.Levin 給中文學校的信件中更是提到中文學校沒有停課的必要,如果有任何關於COVID-19的問題和疑慮,可以給直接打電話給County Public Health Agency,聯繫電話是:805-981-5101。
Dear faculty, parents and students,
Happy New Year! Thanks to all faculty and staff members for your commitment to TOCS.
As concerns over the Novel coronavirus or (COVID-19) mount, we remain committed to staying in communication with you during this time of concern. Thousand Oaks Chinese School (TOCS) is working closely with the Conejo Valley Unified School District and Ventura Public Health Care Agency. For more information regarding the current situation locally, please refer to the following document:
-Letter to TOCS by Dr. Robert Levin, MD, Ventura County Health Officer/Medical Director. (attached)
For the most up to date information globally and nationally regarding the 2019 novel coronavirus, please visit the website of the leading national public health institute of the United States, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or The CDC at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html