2015~2016新学年注册将于2015年5月17日开始,注册通知点击以下链接。The new school year 2015~2016 registration starts on 5/17/2015. Please click following link for the details: 注册通知/Registration Announcement
新課簡介: 2015-2016 學年將新增一班深受家長們歡迎的學前班(PRE-K)。
Pre-K A
第一節課 : 9:15 - 9:55 AM
課間休息 10 分鐘
第二節課 :10:05 - 10:45 AM
Pre-K B
第一節課 :10:55 AM -11:35 AM
課間休息 10 分鐘
第二節課 :11:45 AM - 12:25 PM
New Class Announcement: We are happy to announce that a new Pre-K class has been added to 2015-2016 school year schedule. The two Pre-K classes schedule is arranged as below
Pre-K A
First Period : 9:15 - 9:55 AM
Recess: 10 Minutes
Second Periof :10:05 - 10:45 AM
Pre-K B
First Period :10:55 AM -11:35 AM
Recess: 10 Minutes
Second Period :11:45 AM - 12:25 PM
The class assignment for your kid(s) will be automatically singed by computer system. It will be available to you before TOCS school resumes!
下学年注册九年级和十年级的同学们,请紧急关注此重要通知。For students who will register for next year’s 9th grade and 10th grade classes, please pay close attention to this urgent important registration notice. Please click following link for the details: 重要通知/Important Notice
新學年 2015-2016 的第一天為2015年8月29日,最後一天為2016年6月4日。For the coming new school year 2015-2016, the first day of school is 8/29/2015, and the last day of school is 6/4/2016.
Please click following link to register: Registration
TOCS Registration and Refund Policy |
入學標準Admission Policy |
千橡中文學校歡迎在2011年12月以前出生 (滿四歲)、未滿十八歲的學生來報名。如有需要,可經由學力測驗來決定合適的就讀年級。 |
TOCS accepts K-12 students who are interested in learning Chinese and were born before December 2011. The student may be asked to take a standardized test given by the school to determine the appropriate grade level. |
註冊費Registration |
不退費;每個學生$20 |
Non refundable; $20 per student |
學費(全學年)Tuition –entire school year |
一. 六月三十日以前註冊每位學生$430
二. 暑假暫停註册7/1/2015-7/31/2015
三. 八月一日以後註冊每位學生$480 |
- $430 per student if registered prior to 6/30/2015.
- $480 per student if registered after 8/01/2015.
- No registration during summer from 7/1/2015-7/31/2015.
書費/材料費Textbook/Material Fee開學後不退費
(Non refundable
after school starts) |
一. 學前班:$20(材料費)
二. 幼稚園至九年級:$20。
三. 十年級:另繳。 |
- Pre-school: $20 (Material Fee).
- Kindergarten – 9th grades: $20.
- 10th grade: TBD by teacher.
家長會會費PVA |
每位學生$15,每個家庭不超過$30 |
$15 per student,
$30 maximum per family |
康谷華協會費CCCA |
每個家庭$20 |
$20 per family |
退費標準(學費、CCCA、PVA會費)Refund Policy (tuition, CCCA & PVA fees) |
9/19/15 以前 100% 10/17/15以前 75% 11/14/15以前 50% 1/16/16 以前 25%
1/17/16及以後不得退費 |
Before 9/19/15 100% Before 10/17/15 75% Before 11/14/15 50% Before 1/16/16 25%
No refund on and after 1/17/16 |
晚入學新生學費, CCCA、PVA會費Late Enrollment: Tuition, CCCA & PVA fees |
10/31/15~12/26/15 75%
12/27/15~1/30/16 50%
1/30/16以後不接受新生註冊* |
Tuition, CCCA & PVA fees are prorated as follows for new students who enroll after school starts:
10/31/15~12/26/15 75%
12/27/15~1/30/16 50%
No registration accepted after1/30/16*. |
其他Others |
註冊時,必須填妥訴訟放棄權(Waiver)及健康保險資料,否則不予入學。 |
Waiver document and health insurance information are required as part of the registration. They should be completed and returned to TOCS before a student can be admitted. |