注意: 七月一日到七月三十一日,中文学校暑假休假。註册暫停。八月一日註冊開放。从八月一日开始,全年学费为五百三十五美元。
2018-2019 學年開學日: 2018年8月25日.
2018-2019 學年結束日: 2019年6月1日.
Attention: The month of July 2018 TOCS will be on summer vacation. The online registration system will NOT be available. It will be back online on August 1, 2018. The regular tuition $535 per student per school year) will be charged from August 1, 2018 and on.
The first day of 2018-2019 school year is August 25, 2018.
The last day of 2018-2019 school year is June 1, 2019.
Wish all friends and families have a joyful, fun and safe summer!