千橡中文學校線上家長Q&A , 週六 8月8號 晚上7:30到9:30

千橡中文學校線上家長Q&A , 週六 8月8號 晚上7:30到9:30
請大家點擊下面的的會議連結或者撥打電話(需要輸入pin)加入這次Q&A。 謝謝!
TOCS is hosting a Google Meet session on Saturday, August 8th, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, to answer questions regarding the distance learning for the coming school year. Please click the link below or use the call-in number to join the meeting with our school administrative team,as we are also going to review our plans for opening this school year.
Join with google meet
Join by phone
Phone Numbers
(‪US‬)‪+1 832-856-1750‬‬‬
PIN: ‪325 841 091#‬‬