千橡中文学校2012-2013秋季学术比赛通知 2012-2013 Academic Competition


比赛协调:     马红(hongma847@hotmail.com


比赛日期:    09/22/201210/06/2012

活动主题:    待定


1. 硬笔书法

内容教师自定。1-9年级学生参加。各班教师可从课文中选一段(10-50个字),学生誊写到指定的方格纸 (看附件,二年级和以下年级为初小组)后交回各班教师。由各班教师选出本班优胜学生。学生人数在20以下(含20人),报3名优胜;学生人数在21-30人,报4名优胜;学生人数在30人以上,报5名优胜。请各班教师把获胜学生的书法于10/06/2012前交到办公室。学校将从中选拔优秀学生参加今年十一月(日期待定)的南加州硬笔书法比赛。

2. 绘画


3. 作文

题目学生自定。3-9年级学生自愿参加。请各班教师通知学生,并把参赛学生的作文于10/06/2012交到办公室,每班上报人数不限。学校将从中选拔优秀学生参加今年十一月(日期待定)的南加州即席作文, 看图作文,以及英文到中文翻译比赛。


Thousand Oaks Chinese School Announcement

2012-2013 Academic Competition

Coordinators:  Hong Ma (hongma847@hotmail.com)

                          Lian Zhao (lian91311@yahoo.com)

Date:                 09/22/201210/06/2012

Theme of the Event:   TBD


1.  Pen Calligraphy

The content is left to the teacher’s choice.  This event is for students in Grades 1 to 9.  The teacher for each class will select a paragraph of length 10 to 50 characters from the textbook for the students to transcribe on the required paper as shown in the attached file.  If the class comprises 20 or fewer students, the teacher will select 3 entries to submit to the main office; if the class comprises from 21 to 30 students, 4 will be submitted; if over 30 students, 5 will be submitted.  The main office will select the overall winners from the submitted entries.  Each class must submit their chosen writings to the main office by 10/06/2012.  The winners will represent TOCS at Southern California Council of Chinese Schools (SCCCS) Competition in November, 2012 (date TBD). 

2.  Drawing

The subject is left to the student’s own choice.  Students of all grades may voluntarily apply.  Each class will notify its students that their work must be submitted to the main office by 10/06/2012; each class may have any number of entries.  Winners will be selected as contestants for SCCCS “Chinese Poster Design” Competition in November, 2012 (date TBD). 

3.  Essay

The topic is left to the student’s own choice.  Students from grades 3 to 9 may voluntarily apply.  Each class will notify its students that their composition must be submitted to the main office by 10/06/2012; each class may have any number of entries. Winners will be selected to represent TOCS to participate in SCCCS “Impromptu Essay”, “Picture Story Telling Essay”,and “English to Chinese Translation” Competition in November, 2012 (date TBD). 


T.O. Chinese School Annual Fire Drill 2012-2013


Please be notified that our annual Fire Drill will be conducted this Sat (9/15) during first period.
Start time of the drill will be at 9:55AM and completion is expected by 10:15AM.
Please view the Fire Drill Flyer (Flyer_Fire_Drill_2012-2013) for more info. A copy of flyer plus head count form for each class will be provided to teacher during sign in at office.
Teacher please call and mark names of attending students on provided Fire Drill Form at beginning of the class. During fire drill, please lead your class via assigned evacuation route to basketball court. At the basketball court, please check to make sure all marked students are present. Your class will be allowed to go back to classroom and resume normal class schedule after Fire Drill form is signed and turned in to event coordinators. 
If there are any questions, please feel free to email Yisong (yisong@us.ibm.com) or Weiheng (weihengc@gmail.com).