No School on 9/5/20;提醒:9/10及以後的退學申請將只退50%學費

NO School this Saturday (9/5) because of the Labor Day weekend. Happy holidays to all!

特別提醒注意學校的退學退費截止日期及退費標準(Please pay attention to the Tuition Refund timeline and percentage):

Tuition Refund Policy
開學日以前 100%
9/10 以前 90%
1/1 以前 50%
Before 1st day of school 100%
Before 9/10 90%
Before 1/1 50%
Nonrefundable on and after 1/1/2021

*如需退學,請登錄註冊網站,您會看到【Withdraw For 2020-2021 School Year】按鍵,點擊鏈接,按要求提交退學申請,系統會依規定計算需退的費用,學校將以此辦理退費手續。

*To withdraw your child from the class, please log into your registration account, you shall see 【Withdraw For 2020-2021 School Year】button, click it and follow the instruction to submit withdraw request, the system will calculate the refund according to the registration and refund policy. The school will follow up and process the refund request.

Notice: Textbook pickup dates

Notice for K, EC2 and EC3 grade’s family : textbook pickup date changed to 8/23 10-11am because textbook delivery delay.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

For registered family only, textbook pickup:

Where: 1489 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Unit 3
康谷華協 文化中心
Textbook Pick Up Schedule:

Sunday, 8/16
10am-12pm Grade 1-4th
1pm-3pm Grade 5-8th, Prek, EC1

Thursday, 8/20
4pm-6pm Others Grade textbook pickup makeup date

Sunday, 8/23
10am-11am Grade K, EC2, EC3

千橡中文學校線上家長Q&A , 週六 8月8號 晚上7:30到9:30

千橡中文學校線上家長Q&A , 週六 8月8號 晚上7:30到9:30
請大家點擊下面的的會議連結或者撥打電話(需要輸入pin)加入這次Q&A。 謝謝!
TOCS is hosting a Google Meet session on Saturday, August 8th, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, to answer questions regarding the distance learning for the coming school year. Please click the link below or use the call-in number to join the meeting with our school administrative team,as we are also going to review our plans for opening this school year.
Join with google meet
Join by phone
Phone Numbers
(‪US‬)‪+1 832-856-1750‬‬‬
PIN: ‪325 841 091#‬‬


Online Parent’s Q&A – Aug. 8th 7:30-9:30pm
Open for all registered and perspective parents
If you would like to email your questions, please send your questions to by Aug. 6th