A $15 discount will be ending on 07/17/2013. Please register your student(s) ASAP.
A $15 discount will be ending on 07/17/2013. Please register your student(s) ASAP.
2013 Summer Homework Announcement
相信大家現在正享受著輕鬆愉快的暑假。不要忘了,除幼幼班小朋友外,每位同學都有暑假作業哦!你的老師在放假前就應該送出了暑假作業。如果因任何原因你還沒有收到暑假作業, 請盡快與你的老師聯繫。如果你的老師正在度假,或沒辦法回復你的要求,請與學校聯繫:info@to-cs.org.
Dear students and parents,
Hope you all are enjoying this happy and relaxing time of summer! Kindly remind you that except graduates and Pre-K students, all TOCS students have your grade-appropriate summer homework to do. Your teacher should have sent out the summer homework on or before the last day of school. For any reason, if you have not received it, please contact your teacher as soon as possible. If your teacher is on vacation or cannot reply your request, please contact school office at info@to-cs.org.
Play well, and keep Chinese learning!
Have a great summer!
TOCS Academic Group
~ 千橡中文学校注册组
Registration Announcement for School Year 2013 – 2014
Thousand OaksChineseSchoolonline registration for year 2013-2014 will be available on 5/22/2013. The first day of the next school year will be 8/24/2013.
~ TOCS Registration Team
AP 和SAT II 獎學金
AP 和 SAT II 奖学金
School Announcement
AP & SAT II Awards
In order to encourage students to continue learning Chinese and to improve the level of achievement in Chinese, TOCS &PVA will be presenting qualified students with an excellence in achievement award for their accomplishments on their AP Chinese or SAT-II Chinese exam. In order to be considered for this award, applicants will need to fill out the application form and submit their AP or SAT II exam scores. In addition, applicants must either be a current TOCS student or a graduate of TOCS. TOCS will determine the award winners based on the number of applications and test scores submitted . Please check details for the application rules.
中文AP & SATII 獎金申請規則
1. 申請者需在千橡中文學校就讀至少五年
2. AP成績須達五級分; SATII成績須達700分以上
3. 申請年限以報考前一年為主(例如:2013年可申請2012年報考)
4. 申請者需出席千橡中文學校六月八日期末典禮不可由他人代領獎金,
5. 申請者需填寫申請表格並繳交成績至學校教務處或是
email:tinayu88@yahoo.com ;申請期限為MAY 31,2013
*All application forms can be downloaded from www.to-cs.org
Chinese AP&SATII Scholarship Application Rules
1. The applicant must be current Thousand Oaks Chinese School (TOCS) student or graduate of last year (2012). And he/she has enrolled in TOCS for at least 5 years.
2. Only the test taken within recent one year is eligible for the application, i.e. AP test taken in 2012, or SATII test taken in 2013.
3. AP scored five; SATII scores of 700 or better
4. Scholarship recipient must attend TOCS graduation ceremony on 6/8/2013 to receive the scholarship.
5. The completed application form along with the score report should be submitted to TOCS school office or email to: tinayu88@Yahoo.com by 5/31/2013.
*Application forms can be downloaded from www.to-cs.org