Thousand Oaks Chinese School UPDATE-2022-23 school year registration REMINDER 


謝謝大家的支持與配合,我們在這麼艱困的環境下順利完成2021-2022學年的學習. 值得為自己鼓勵一下.

  1.    2022-23 學年度註冊: 早鳥優惠 $50 至 六月三十日
  2.   七月一日至七月三十一日系統維護停止註冊.  八月一日重新開放註冊
  3.    新學年開學日: 八月二十日

Dear Parents,  
Thank you for your support and cooperation. We all did it in such a difficult environment in the school year of 2021-2022 and we deserved a big applause.
In the new school year of 2022-2023, the student number will be limited to 15 students each class, so please complete the registration to reserve a spot asap. Also, a public speech is newly added to the third elective class, if you are interested you are welcome to register.

Here are reminders of important dates:

  1. 2022-2023 school year registration: Early bird discount of $50 is offered on and before June 30, 2022.
  2. Registration will be closed for system maintenance from July 1 to July 31, and will be reopened on August 1, 2022.
  3. New school year start date: August 20, 2022.  

Best regards,
游麗惠 Tina YuSchool Website :
School Site上課地址:Thousand Oak High School
2323 Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks,CA 91360 – 3101