▪ 如果你已擁有一個帳號,請直接進入註冊地址https://register.to-cs.org/signin註冊。
▪ 如果你從來沒有在中文學校註冊過,請進入註冊地址https://register.to-
cs.org/signin ,選擇新家庭,建立新帳號,輸入正確的家庭和學生數據,然後註冊
▪ 注意事項:請勿建立多個帳號,你有可能對自己的資料造成破壞。請自我維護準確
▪ 6月30日之前完成註冊,每位學生將得到50美元優惠 。
▪ 7月1日到7月31日,中文學校暑假休假。註冊暫停。
▪ 學生的班級分配將於開學前公佈。
▪ 有關註冊事宜,請聯繫 registration@to-cs.org。
Registration Announcement for School Year 2022– 2023
Thousand Oaks Chinese School online registration for year 2022-2023 will be available on 5/15/2022. The first day of the next school year will be 8/20/2022 and the last day of the school year will be 6/3/2023.
▪ If you already have an account, please go to https://register.to-cs.org/signin to
start registration. If you are not sure about your account, please try to find out by
clicking “Forgot username? Try to find username here”, “Forgot password?
Request password reset here” or contact engineering@to-cs.org.
▪ If you are completely new to TOCS, please go to https://register.to-cs.org/signin,
click “New to Thousand Oaks Chinese School? Register here” to create your new
account, follow the instructions to input family and student information, and start
your registration.
▪ IMPORTANT: DO NOT create multiple accounts — you may mess up your
existing data. KEEP your family and student information updated if any
information changed.
▪ Each student will receive a $50 discount if registration is complete by 6/30.
▪ Registration system will be shut down during TOCS summer vacation period from
7/1 to 7/31.
▪ Classroom assignment will be available before 1st day of school
▪ For registration help, please contact registration@to-cs.org.