親愛的家長們, 您好!
This week no school -Memorial Day Weekend.
June 4th,Last day of school notices:
學期已接近尾聲,一年一度的畢業典禮將在千橡高中禮堂(PAC)舉行-日期: -June 4th。因疫情關係此次典禮進行方式將與往年不同,今年我們只邀請老師和三年級及三年級以上的學生和班媽參加。其他年級(Prek-2nd grade & EC1/EC2 )週六上午十點正式放假,請家長準時來接小孩
- 請仔細閱讀附件click Yearend Ceremony Notice,典禮場地位置/入場口/座位安排,頒獎順序和細節。
- 請各個年級按指定入場口入場並且請同學入場後走到每排座位座位的最頂端。
- 除特殊原因並得到學校批准外,獎勵必須由本人領取,嚴禁他人代領。請假同學請在5/30前email : academic-book@to-cs.org 學校將代為保管獎金
- 請所有參加典禮的老師和同學完成整個典禮,因為每個同學都需要您的掌聲,並且這也是對同學禮節品質培養的時機。
典禮之後家長會在千橡高中旁邊的公園組織期末野餐會(12:00-3:30pm),每位學生可以領到 餐卷和$5 的遊戲卷 , 歡迎大家前去同樂
Dear TOCS Families,
June 4th will be the last day of the 2021-2022 school year at Thousand Oaks Chinese School, thank you for your hard work over the past year! The annual graduation ceremony will be held at the Thousand Oaks High School Auditorium (PAC). Unlike in previous years, we only invite teachers ,RM and students in grades 3 and above to participate. Other grades(prek-2nd grade & EC1/EC2)will conclude the school year at 10:00am,please come to pick up your child on time.
To ensure a smooth ceremony, our staff did a lot of detailed preparation for the event. Please all teachers, students and parents follow instructions to make it a success:
- Please read the attached document carefully click Yearend Ceremony Notice , including the venue location/entrance/seating arrangement, the award sequence, and details.
- please enter according to the designated entrance gates for all grades and please have the seat start from the end of each row.
- Except for special reasons and approved by the school, the reward must be collected by the person himself, and it is strictly forbidden for others to collect it on his behalf. Students who ask for leave, please email : academic-book@to-cs.org before 5/30, the school will keep the prize money on your behalf.
- All teachers and students attending the ceremony are invited to complete the whole ceremony, because every student needs your applause, and this is also an opportunity to cultivate the quality of etiquette for students.
After the ceremony, PVA is hosting the Year-End Picnic from 12:00-3:30pm at Thousand Oaks Community Park (next to Thousand Oaks High School). Each student will get a meal ticket and $5 game tickets. More Information email: pva@to-cs.org
Best regards,
游麗惠 Tina YuSchool Website : www.to-cs.org
School Site上課地址:Thousand Oak High School
2323 Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks,CA 91360 – 3101